You are given seven pieces of audio and seven questions which correspond to the audio.
Each given question has three options A, B and C, and a set of images which correspond to each option.
Click on the button to choose the best option for each question.
Once all the questions have been answered, click on the check button.
Correct answers will show in green, incorrect answers in red.
Your mark will be given as a percentage.
The pass mark for this exam is 70%, and you will hear the audio twice.
07:00 min.
1 - Which pet is the speaker hoping to get?
2 - Where does the speaker live?
3 - How did the speaker get the message?
4 - What does the speaker read at the doctor's?
5 - Where do they agree to meet?
6 - Where did they celebrate their anniversary?
7 - What did the speaker not buy?
Your score is /, which represents % of correct answers.