You are given 8 pieces of audio and 8 questions which correspond to the audio.
Each given question has three options A, B and C.
Click on the button to choose the best option for each question.
Once all the questions have been answered, click on the check button.
Correct answers will appear in green, incorrect answers in red.
Your mark will be given as a percentage.
The pass mark for this exam is 60%, and you will hear the audio twice.
10:00 min.
1) You hear two people discussing a sports event.
How did the female speaker feel about the event?
2) You hear someone describing a film.
What is the speaker's objective?
3) You hear a speaker describe a sports activity.
What benefit does she get from doing this activity?
4) You hear a woman speaking about her company.
What is her objective?
5) You hear a woman describing her childhood memories.
Why is she doing that?
6) You hear a teacher describing her job.
What is her main message?
7) You hear someone describing their new job.
What is the speaker doing?
8) You hear a discussion on the radio about some developments to local transport.
How does the caller feel?
Your score is /, which represents % of correct answers.